Model for Calculating Average Vehicle Mileage for Different Vehicle Classes Based on Real Data: A Case Study of Croatia

  • Goran Pejić Center for Vehicles of Croatia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Zagreb)
  • Franjo Bijelić Center for Vehicles of Croatia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Zagreb)
  • Goran Zovak Center for Vehicles of Croatia
  • Zoran Lulić Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Zagreb)
Keywords: average vehicle mileage, mileage model, periodic technical inspection


Mileage data collected via surveys based on self-estimation, reports from garages and other sources which use estimations are rough estimates and differ greatly from the actual mileage. Vehicle mileage is a major factor in emission calculations and needs to be as accurate as possible to obtain reliable emission models. Odometer readings are collected annually at the periodic technical inspection in Croatia. Average mileage data were analyzed for vehicles up to 20 years of age in 2017. Vehicles were classified by curb weight and fuel type. Such classification proved to follow driver behavior and the intended purpose of the vehicle. For each vehicle class the model was applied using vehicle age and population size as inputs for calculating average mileage. Real data show that vehicles in Croatia considerably exceed the estimated mileage in the years following the first registration of the vehicle and that they cannot be compared to data collected in other studies based on estimations. The difference lies in the covered mileage after vehicles reach ten years of age. The outcome of this study has resulted in a model for calculating average vehicle mileage. The model is suitable for use in various analyses for Croatia or for countries with similar driving habits and economic status now and for years to come.

Author Biography

Franjo Bijelić, Center for Vehicles of Croatia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (Zagreb)

Franjo Bijelić is a vehicle inspection associate at Center for Vehicles of Croatia and a PHD student at The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb. He is interested in road vehicle technology and traffic safety.


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How to Cite
Pejić G, Bijelić F, Zovak G, Lulić Z. Model for Calculating Average Vehicle Mileage for Different Vehicle Classes Based on Real Data: A Case Study of Croatia. Promet [Internet]. 2019Apr.19 [cited 2025Mar.10];31(2):213-22. Available from: