Repositioning Strategy in the Maritime Port Business: A Case Study from Montenegro, Port of Adria

  • Senka Šekularac-Ivošević "University of Montenegro"Maritime Faculty of Kotor
  • Melika Husić-Mehmedović "University of Sarajevo"
  • Elen Twrdy University of Ljubljana
Keywords: maritime port repositioning, financial and environmental stability, competitive advantage, container industry, SPACE matrix


The main objective of this paper is to define the repositioning strategy of the Port of Adria, which is the leading container maritime port of Montenegro. The strategy is an integral reflection of the analysis of internal (competitive advantage and financial strength) and external (the potential of container maritime port industry and environmental stability) repositioning criteria. The case study in this paper is mainly accomplished through the definition of specific propositions that clarify the connections between these criteria and the repositioning strategy. Knowledge and attitudes of stakeholders are used with the purpose of modeling a marketing strategy, which is based on an inductive study. The paper proposes a model based on a specific maritime port case which can be applied to any other case of maritime port repositioning as well.

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Senka Šekularac-Ivošević, "University of Montenegro"Maritime Faculty of Kotor

Department: Maritime Management and Logistics

Rank: Assistant Professor

Melika Husić-Mehmedović, "University of Sarajevo"

School of Economics and Business

Associate Professor of Marketing

Elen Twrdy, University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport

Full Professor


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How to Cite
Šekularac-Ivošević S, Husić-Mehmedović M, Twrdy E. Repositioning Strategy in the Maritime Port Business: A Case Study from Montenegro, Port of Adria. Promet [Internet]. 2019Feb.28 [cited 2025Feb.22];31(1):75-7. Available from: