Approach to Human Capital in National Postal Providers: A Cross-country Analysis in Europe

  • Dalibor Gottwald University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering
  • Eva Zákorová University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering
  • Libor Švadlenka University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering
  • Hana Pavlisová Masaryk University, Faculty of Education
Keywords: human capital, national postal providers, postal service


The article investigates human capital in national postal providers (NPPs), which is an area that has yet to be underpinned by research. There is a number of works dealing with human capital, but only few address human capital in the postal service sector. The main aim of the article is to define differences in approach to human capital management in selected NPPs. Differences are expressed via the overall Human Capital Index (HCI). Due to the fact that so far there has been no complex research analyzing activities related to human capital in NPPs, it was necessary to carry out a content analysis of annual reports of selected NPPs. Results of the analysis served as a basis for expression of overall HCI. This study brings new insights into the topic and contributes to the sustainable development of the field.

Author Biographiesaaa replica rolex repwatches replica rolex watches for men replica iwc watch

Dalibor Gottwald, University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics

Eva Zákorová, University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering

Assistant professor

Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics

Libor Švadlenka, University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering

Associate professor

Department of Transport Management, Marketing and Logistics

Hana Pavlisová, Masaryk University, Faculty of Education


Department of Education


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How to Cite
Gottwald D, Zákorová E, Švadlenka L, Pavlisová H. Approach to Human Capital in National Postal Providers: A Cross-country Analysis in Europe. Promet [Internet]. 2018Nov.10 [cited 2025Feb.22];30(5):623-3. Available from: