A Petri Net Model of Train Operation Simulation for Harmonizing Train Timetables of Neighbor Dispatching Sections

  • Xuelei Meng Lanzhou Jiaotong University
  • Limin Jia Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Wanli Xiang
Keywords: train operation, Petri net, simulation, neighbor dispatching section


Train timetable is the key document to regulate railway traffic through sequencing train movements to keep the appropriate order. Timetable stability and on-schedule rate are closely related. Delays caused by disturbances in train operations can be absorbed by a high quality timetable with high stability, and the on-schedule rate then can be assured. This paper improves the stability of timetables of several connected railway sections to assure the on-schedule rate with a simulation method. Firstly, we build a macroscopic network model of train operation in a railway network using the Petri net theory. Then we design the train tracking subnet model, the station subnet model and arrival-departure track subnet model. At last we propose a computing case, simulating the train operation process based on the presented models, and the simulation results prove the feasibility and availability of the models. The approach presented in this paper can offer valuable decision-support information for railway operators preparing train timetables.

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Xuelei Meng, Lanzhou Jiaotong University

Xuelei Meng received the PhD degree in planning and
management of traffic and transportation at State Key
Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing
Jiaotong University in 2011. He is currently an associate
professor in Lanzhou Jiaotong University. His research interests are in the areas of train timetable design, optimization and evaluation, line planning for railway. He has published research papers in reputed international journals, such as Transportation Research Record.

Limin Jia, Beijing Jiaotong University

Limin Jia is a professor responsibility and doctoral supervisor of State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University. He received his PhD degree at China Academy of Railway Science in 1991. He is the member of the Chinese national intelligent transportation expert advisory committee, China systems engineering society, China railway society, China operations research society. He is also an editorial member of China Railway Science. His main research interests are: application of intelligent control and intelligent systems, railway intelligent
automation, railway intelligent transportation system.

Wanli Xiang

Wan-li Xiang received the Ph.D.degree fromTianjin University,Tianjin,China, in2014. He is an Associate Professor of the School of Traffic and Transportation,Lanzhou Jiaotong University. His research interests include datamining,evolutionary computation and their applications to logistics and transportation.


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How to Cite
Meng X, Jia L, Xiang W. A Petri Net Model of Train Operation Simulation for Harmonizing Train Timetables of Neighbor Dispatching Sections. Promet [Internet]. 2018Dec.21 [cited 2025Jan.29];30(6):647-60. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/2713