DEA Window Analysis for Measuring Port Efficiencies in Serbia

  • Danijela Pjevčević
  • Aleksandar Radonjić
  • Zlatko Hrle
  • Vladeta Čolić
Keywords: river ports, total area of warehouses, quay length, number of cranes, port throughput, port efficiency, DEA window analysis


The aim of the paper is to apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method in measuring and analyzing the efficiencies of ports on the river Danube. DEA window analysis is used to determine the efficiency of ports and to observe the possibility of changes in the port efficiency over time. A study is conducted to evaluate the efficiencies of ports on the territory of Serbia in order to identify the sources of inefficiencies and formulate proposals for improving the services of those ports and their operations through a four-year window analysis with port efficiency trends and average efficiencies. The progress is made in the measurement of port efficiency in relation to port productive activities - total area of warehouses, quay length, number of cranes and port throughput, for the Serbian river ports.

Keywords: river ports, total area of warehouses, quay length, number of cranes, port throughput, port efficiency, DEA window analysis


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How to Cite
Pjevčević D, Radonjić A, Hrle Z, Čolić V. DEA Window Analysis for Measuring Port Efficiencies in Serbia. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.7];24(1):63-2. Available from: