Demand Forecast of NFC Mobile Users – A Case Study of Serbian Market

  • Bojan Stanivuković Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
  • Valentina Radojičić Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
  • Dejan Marković Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
  • Mladenka Blagojević Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade
Keywords: fuzzy logic, Near Field Communication, mobile users, forecast


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a very short-range type of radio communication that is compatible with other contactless communication technologies. It provides enormous possibilities, particularly given that it does not require any particular communication infrastructure. NFC technology has found possible application in contactless cards and mobile phone devices as a communication infrastructure which provides a platform for the development of NFC-based business services. This paper proposes a novel approach to forecasting the number of new users of NFC mobile phones based on fuzzy logic and the Norton-Bass diffusion model. The proposed approach is demonstrated through the case study.

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Bojan Stanivuković, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade

Bojan STANIVUKOVIĆ, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade - The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Department of Postal and Telecommunication Traffic Engineering, Serbia. His main research of interests are access control policies, information system security and information protection in general. Before entering faculty duties, he was CEO of Post Bank in Serbia and National Savings Bank of Serbia. He was an early creator of electronic commerce tools, developing and operating large scale Internet and e-commerce products. Publications: Assistant Professor Stanivuković has supervised many scientific and research projects in area of postal, telecommunication and e-commerce services, author of more than 40 research and scientific articles, author of 1 books in area of electronic payment systems. His professional expertise, research and teaching interests include: research work in area of automatic processing, information systems, economic modeling and functional organization of communication services and network.

Valentina Radojičić, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade

Valentina RADOJIČIĆ, PhD, Full professor, University of Belgrade - The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering.  She is currently employed as a head of the Department of Telecommunication Traffic and Networks. She is researcher in many national and international projects, Member of National Society of Telecommunication, Symposium Chair Editor and Head of Program Committee PosTel (Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunication Traffic). She is author/co-author of more than 90 research and scientific articles, one monograph and 2 books in the area of telecommunication service forecasting. Her professional expertise, research and teaching interests include: optimization problems in telecommunication network design and planning, network and traffic engineering, development of telecommunication services, strategic modeling of telecommunication network, forecasting of new telecommunication product/services, etc.

Dejan Marković, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade

Dejan MARKOVIĆ, PhD, Full professor, University  of Belgrade - The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Serbia. He is currently employed as a head of the Department of Postal Traffic and Networks. Apart from his faculty duties, he was engaged in research work for the technical planning and management of all postal services and networks. He is member of the managing board of the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communication and Postal Services. Publications: Professor Marković has supervised many scientific and research projects in the area of postal and telecommunication services and traffic, author of more than 90 research and scientific articles, author of one monograph and 5 books in the area of postal traffic. His professional expertise, research and teaching interests include: postal services and sector, marketing, management, economic modeling and functional organization of postal network, regulations of postal sector.

Mladenka Blagojević, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade

Mladenka BLAGOJEVIĆ, PhD, Assistant Professor,  University of Belgrade - The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Department of Postal and Telecommunication Traffic, Serbia. Publications: author/co-author of number of scientific papers published in scientific journals or presented on national and international conferences. She is a member of the Organizing Committee and administrator of the Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunication Traffic - PosTel. Also, she is a member of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, area: Postal Services. Research interests: postal networks and services, marketing in postal and telecommunication traffic, regulations of postal sector.


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How to Cite
Stanivuković B, Radojičić V, Marković D, Blagojević M. Demand Forecast of NFC Mobile Users – A Case Study of Serbian Market. Promet [Internet]. 2018Oct.22 [cited 2025Mar.7];30(5):513-24. Available from: