Effects of Weather Conditions on Motorway Lane Flow Distributions

  • Robert Rijavec University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
  • Darja Šemrov
Keywords: motorway traffic control, lane flow distribution, lane speed distribution, weather conditions,


Several factors affect the lane choices made by motorway drivers. According to the driving rules, the nearside lane is the one that is primarily used. The main reasons for lane changes are overtaking, congestion, or restrictions on other lanes. The empirical research presented in this paper presents comprehensive traffic characteristics observed in different traffic lanes on four-lane motorways in Slovenia. The research was focused on the influence of adverse weather conditions on the lane flow distribution, and on the speed of vehicles in different lanes. The lane flow and speed distributions both directly affect road capacity and safety; therefore, estimating these characteristics could improve the reliability of active traffic control when traffic flow perturbation is detected. Field test results show that lane flow distributions and lane speed distributions at a particular site vary depending on weather conditions, namely, dry, wet (rain), low-visibility, and snow conditions.

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Robert Rijavec, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Traffic Technical Institute, Senior Lecturer,ITS Slovenia, president
Darja Šemrov
Traffic Technical Institute, Asistant


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How to Cite
Rijavec R, Šemrov D. Effects of Weather Conditions on Motorway Lane Flow Distributions. Promet [Internet]. 2018Mar.1 [cited 2025Mar.10];30(1):83-2. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/2521