Modelling Truck Weigh Stations’ Locations based on Truck Traffic Flow and Overweight Violation: A Case Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Mirsad Kulović Paneuropean University "APEIRON", Banja Luka
  • Zoran Injac Public Company "Putevi Republika Srpska", Banja Luka
  • Slavko Davidović Department of Traffic, City of Banja Luka Manager
  • Ivo Posavac Public Company "Putevi Federacije BiH", Sarajevo Associate for monitoring and audit
Keywords: vehicle overloading, freight vehicles, weigh station, weightin- motion (WIM) scales,


The number of registered commercial freight vehicles is constantly increasing, increasing therefore as well the traffic load on the roads in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A significant part of freight vehicles moving along the main and regional roads are overloaded and cause significant damage to road infrastructure, affect road safety and result in an increase of emissions of harmful gases for people and the environment. The overloading rate is extremely high, in particular with 5-axle trucks representing 58.7%. The research showed that the increased overload level ranges from 10-20% of the maximum permissible weight. The importance of load limits was recognized early in the history of road development. This interrelation led directly to limitations on vehicle loads, and laws were enacted in many countries to establish the maximum allowable motor vehicle sizes and weights. Strict enforcement of motor vehicle size and weight laws is a step toward reducing motor vehicle size and weight violations, heavy truck accidents, and, even more, improving road maintenance, rehabilitation expenditures and road safety. Thus, based on the applied model the objective of this paper is to evaluate and optimize the locations of truck weigh stations on the road network of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Mirsad Kulović, Paneuropean University "APEIRON", Banja Luka

Traffic Faculty, Full professor

Teaching: Traffic Flow Theory, Organization and Technology of Road Transport

Zoran Injac, Public Company "Putevi Republika Srpska", Banja Luka

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade

M.Sc. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade

Ph.D Candidate, Faculty of Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade




Slavko Davidović, Department of Traffic, City of Banja Luka Manager

B.Sc. Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad

M.Sc. Faculty of Technical Science, Traffic Department, Novi Sad

Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of technical Science, Novi Sad

Ivo Posavac, Public Company "Putevi Federacije BiH", Sarajevo Associate for monitoring and audit

B.Sc. Faculty of traffic Engineering, University of Zagreb


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How to Cite
Kulović M, Injac Z, Davidović S, Posavac I. Modelling Truck Weigh Stations’ Locations based on Truck Traffic Flow and Overweight Violation: A Case Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Promet [Internet]. 2018Apr.20 [cited 2025Feb.22];30(2):163-71. Available from: