Acceleration (Deceleration) Model Supporting Time Delays to Refresh Data

  • José Gerardo Carrillo González CONACYT
  • Jesús Arámburo Lizárraga UDG
  • Liliana Ibeth Barbosa Santillán UDG
Keywords: simulation, deceleration, mathematical model, algorithm, intersection,


This paper proposes a mathematical model to regulate the acceleration (deceleration) applied by self-driving vehicles in car-following situations. A virtual environment is designed to test the model in different circumstances: (1) the followers decelerate in time if the leader decelerates, considering a time delay of up to 5 s to refresh data (vehicles position coordinates) required by the model, (2) with the intention of optimizing space, the vehicles are grouped in platoons, where 3 s of time delay (to update data) is supported if the vehicles have a centre-to-centre spacing of 20 m and a time delay of 1 s is supported at a spacing of 6 m (considering a maximum speed of 20 m/s in both cases), and (3) an algorithm is presented to manage the vehicles’ priority at a traffic intersection, where the model regulates the vehicles’ acceleration (deceleration) and a balance in the number of vehicles passing from each side is achieved.

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José Gerardo Carrillo González, CONACYT

UAM. Department of information and communications systems.

Researcher, Dr.

Jesús Arámburo Lizárraga, UDG

CUCEA. Department of Information Systems.

Research professor, Dr.

Liliana Ibeth Barbosa Santillán, UDG

CUCEA. Department of Information Systems.

Research professor, Dra.


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How to Cite
Carrillo González JG, Arámburo Lizárraga J, Barbosa Santillán LI. Acceleration (Deceleration) Model Supporting Time Delays to Refresh Data. Promet [Internet]. 2018Apr.20 [cited 2025Feb.22];30(2):141-9. Available from: