The Effect of Drivers' Demographic Characteristics on Road Accidents in Different Seasons Using Data Mining

  • Sajjad Shokohyar Shahid Beheshti University
  • Ehsan Taati Shahid Beheshti University
  • Sara Zolfaghari Shahid Beheshti University
Keywords: traffic accidents, demographic features, data mining, season of the year,


According to World Health Organization, each year, over 1.2 million people die on roads, and between 20 and 50 million suffer non-fatal injuries. Based on international reports, Iran has a high death rate caused by road accidents. The objective of this study was to extract implicit knowledge from road accident data sets on roads of Iran through data mining. In this regard, three useful data mining techniques were combined: clustering, classification and rule extraction. Following the preparation stage, data were segmented via three clustering algorithms; Kohonen, K-Means and Twostep. Two-step cluster analysis is a one-pass-through data approach which generates a fairly large number of pre-clusters. Next, the optimized algorithm and cluster were identified, after which, in the classification level and by adding the drivers' demographic features through C5.0, a classification algorithm was employed so as to make the decision tree. Ultimately, the effects of these demographic features were investigated on road accidents. The characteristics such as age, job, driving license duration and gender proved to be more important factors in accident analysis. Certain rules of accidents were then extracted in each season of the year.

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Sajjad Shokohyar, Shahid Beheshti University
Sajjad Shokohyar is an assistant professor in the faculty of management and accounting at Shahid Beheshti university in Tehran Iran.
Ehsan Taati, Shahid Beheshti University
Ehsan Taati has recieved a master's degree in Irformation Technology Management from Shaid Beheshti university in Tehran Iran. He is intrested in Big data analysis and data mining.
Sara Zolfaghari, Shahid Beheshti University
Ehsan Taati has recieved a master's degree in Irformation Technology Management from Shaid Beheshti university in Tehran Iran.


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How to Cite
Shokohyar S, Taati E, Zolfaghari S. The Effect of Drivers’ Demographic Characteristics on Road Accidents in Different Seasons Using Data Mining. Promet [Internet]. 2017Dec.21 [cited 2025Feb.22];29(6):555-67. Available from: