An Event-based Simulation Model for Analysing the Utilization Levels of a Railway Line in Urban Area

  • Vatsal Singhania Mechanical and Systems Engineering School, Newcastle University, Stephenson Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, Ne1 7RU
  • Marin Marinov Newcastle University
Keywords: rail line, rail freight, passenger trains, freight trains, urban area, simulation, utilisation,


This paper offers a simulation model for analysing the utilization levels of a section of a railway line between Edinburgh Waverley and Glasgow Queen Street. Specifically, a segment of this line situated in the urban area of Edinburgh has been simulated using SIMUL8 to study the impacts of further inclusion of freight trains on the scheduled passenger trains. The utilisation levels of this segment have been observed in three scenarios: utilisation existing state where all scheduled passenger trains and a few freight trains are observed; utilisation in future state where more freight trains are input in available time gaps running at their actual speed; and utilisation future state where freight trains are input in available time gaps running at speed equivalent to a passenger train. A decomposition approach is implemented. The results suggest that extra freight trains can be input into the current timetables without impeding the current scenario, allowing a reasonable increase in utilisation of the rail line.

Author Biography

Marin Marinov, Newcastle University
Group Manager at NewRail


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How to Cite
Singhania V, Marinov M. An Event-based Simulation Model for Analysing the Utilization Levels of a Railway Line in Urban Area. Promet [Internet]. 2017Nov.6 [cited 2025Feb.17];29(5):521-8. Available from: