Optimization of Trip-end Networks and Ride Price for Express Coach Systems in the High-speed Rail Era

  • Zhongzhen Yang Dalian Maritime University
  • Jiannan Cheng Dalian Maritime University
Keywords: express coach, high-speed rail, door-to-door mode, trip-end network, ticket price, operating prof-it,


Express coach (EC) lost a considerable share of passengers after high-speed rail (HSR) was implemented. This paper proposes a door-to-door operation mode for the EC system and builds a model to design an EC trip-end network in the origin city with the aim of maximizing the EC’s daily operating profit. A case study is undertaken, and the results show that the operating profit of the EC system first increases and then decreases with the growth of the trip-end routes. In the HSR era, door-to-door operation can effectively guarantee the market share and operating profits of the EC.


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How to Cite
Yang Z, Cheng J. Optimization of Trip-end Networks and Ride Price for Express Coach Systems in the High-speed Rail Era. Promet [Internet]. 2017Dec.21 [cited 2025Feb.22];29(6):581-92. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/2271

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