Start-up Lost Time and its Effect on Signalized Intersections in Turkey

  • S. Pelin Çalışkanelli Dokuz Eylul University Civil Engineering Department
  • Figen Coşkun Atasever Construction & Technical Affairs Department, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli,
  • Serhan Tanyel Dokuz Eylul University Civil Engineering Department
Keywords: signalized intersections, start-up lost time, saturation headways,


Start-up lost time is an important parameter in performance of signalized intersections which may in turn depict the effect of behaviour of different drivers for different countries. In this study the parameters affecting the startup lost time in Turkey will be defined and a model will be established to present the relationship between start-up lost time, saturation flow as well as start response time with the behaviour of Turkish drivers. For this purpose, observations were carried out at eight intersections in Turkey. Analyses have shown that saturation headways decrease with the increase in time in start response since the drivers in the 2nd and higher rows of a queue have a longer time to get prepared to discharge. Results also indicated that start-up lost time increases rapidly as cycle time increases, and lower start-up lost time values can be observed in left or right turning lanes.

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S. Pelin Çalışkanelli, Dokuz Eylul University Civil Engineering Department
Assistant Prof.Dr. Transportation Division
Figen Coşkun Atasever, Construction & Technical Affairs Department, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli,
M.Sc. in Transportation Division.
Serhan Tanyel, Dokuz Eylul University Civil Engineering Department
Prof.Dr. in Transportation Division


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How to Cite
Çalışkanelli SP, Coşkun Atasever F, Tanyel S. Start-up Lost Time and its Effect on Signalized Intersections in Turkey. Promet [Internet]. 2017Jun.27 [cited 2025Feb.22];29(3):321-9. Available from: