Dynamic Anthropometric Characteristics of Pedestrians in Case of Car Collision

  • Jasna Golubić Fakultet prometnih znanosti, Zagreb
  • Zoran Vogrin Fakultet prometnih znanosti
  • Eduard Missoni Fakultet prometnih znanosti
Keywords: anthropometric characteristic, pedestrians, car collision, dynamic anthropometric variables


The paper gives an overview of the specific features of anthropometric characteristics of humans – pedestrians in case of car accidents involving pedestrians and cars. Here, special attention has been paid to the configuration of the human body while moving, which is in turn related to the initial conditions of a collision. Special part of biomechanics in humans refers to their moving, where human’s walk has a specific posture as a mechanical phenomenon. Based on the carried out analysis the need has been observed for a classification of anthropologic variables by means of which the dynamic inertia moments of a walking human can be calculated, as well as the human, who hit by a car in a traffic accident flies along a production curvilinear path. With the development of ergonomics, and the accompanying increased application of anthropometry, the static anthropometry was abandoned, since the humans are considered highly variable in their dimensions, which is extremely important
for the dynamic analysis of the human body posture in the collision process.


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How to Cite
Golubić J, Vogrin Z, Missoni E. Dynamic Anthropometric Characteristics of Pedestrians in Case of Car Collision. Promet [Internet]. 2016Oct.28 [cited 2025Mar.10];28(5):549-56. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/2149