Incorporation of Duffing Oscillator and Wigner-Ville Distribution in Traffic Flow Prediction

  • Anamarija L. Mrgole University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Maribor, Slovenia
  • Drago Sever University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Maribor, Slovenia
Keywords: road traffic, congestion prediction, dynamic system, Wigner-Ville distribution, chaotic identification pattern,


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the use of various chaotic pattern recognition methods for traffic flow prediction. Traffic flow is a variable, dynamic and complex system, which is non-linear and unpredictable. The emergence of traffic flow congestion in road traffic is estimated when the traffic load on a specific section of the road in a specific time period is close to exceeding the capacity of the road infrastructure. Under certain conditions, it can be seen in concentrating chaotic traffic flow patterns. The literature review of traffic flow theory and its connection with chaotic features implies that this kind of method has great theoretical and practical value. Researched methods of identifying chaos in traffic flow have shown certain restrictions in their techniques but have suggested guidelines for improving the identification of chaotic parameters in traffic flow. The proposed new method of forecasting congestion in traffic flow uses Wigner-Ville frequency distribution. This method enables the display of a chaotic attractor without the use of reconstruction phase space.

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Anamarija L. Mrgole, University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Maribor, Slovenia
Drago Sever, University of Maribor Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Maribor, Slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.


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How to Cite
Mrgole AL, Sever D. Incorporation of Duffing Oscillator and Wigner-Ville Distribution in Traffic Flow Prediction. Promet [Internet]. 2017Feb.6 [cited 2025Mar.7];29(1):13-2. Available from: