Traffic Efficiency Evaluation of Elliptical Roundabout Compared with Modern and Turbo Roundabouts Considering Traffic Signal Control

  • Hadi Hatami M.Sc, Shahrood University of Technology
  • Iman Aghayan Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Shahrood University of Technology
Keywords: capacity, delay, elliptical roundabout, modern roundabout, turbo roundabout, traffic signal control,


This paper compared the performance of elliptical roundabout with turbo and modern roundabouts. It considers the effects of increasing the central island radius and speed limit on delay and capacity. Three types of roundabouts (modern, turbo and elliptical roundabouts) with different numbers of lanes (single lane, two-lane and three-lane) were designed. Unsignalized and signalized controls were applied for these roundabouts. The robustness of the designed roundabouts was investigated for saturated and unsaturated flow conditions. Based on the obtained results, increasing the central island radius had both positive and negative effects on delay and capacity. However, a positive effect on these variables was observed in all roundabouts when increasing the speed limit. In unsignalized and signalized control under unsaturated flow conditions, a modern roundabout had lower delay time than an elliptical roundabout. Moreover, in saturated flow, the elliptical roundabout had the best performance in terms of delay. Overall, in comparison with the turbo roundabouts, modern and elliptical roundabouts had the highest capacities in unsignalized and signalized controls. This study can provide useful information for engineers who decide to design a roundabout.

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Hadi Hatami, M.Sc, Shahrood University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology
Iman Aghayan, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Shahrood University of Technology
Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology


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How to Cite
Hatami H, Aghayan I. Traffic Efficiency Evaluation of Elliptical Roundabout Compared with Modern and Turbo Roundabouts Considering Traffic Signal Control. Promet [Internet]. 2017Feb.3 [cited 2025Mar.9];29(1):1-11. Available from: