Circle Line Optimization of Shuttle Bus in Central Business District without Transit Hub

  • Baozhen Yao Dalian University of Technology
  • Qingda Cao Dalian University of Technology
  • Lu Jin Dalian University of Technology
  • Mingheng Zhang Dalian University of Technology
  • Yibing Zhao Dalian University of Technology
Keywords: Central Business District, shuttle bus, transfer, genetic algorithm, bi-objective model,


The building density of Central Business District (CBD) is usually high. Land for a bus terminal is insufficient. In this situation, passengers in CBD have to walk far to take a bus, or take a long time to wait for a taxi. To solve this problem, this paper proposes an indirect approach: the design of a circle line of shuttle bus as a dynamic bus terminal in CBD. The shuttle bus can deliver people to the bus station through a circle line. This approach not only reduces the traffic pressure in CBD, but also saves travel time of the passenger. A bi-objective model is proposed to design a circle line of a shuttle bus for CBD. The problem is solved by non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). Furthermore, the Dalian city in China has been chosen as the case study to test the proposed method. The results indicate that the method is effective for circle line optimization of shuttle bus in central business district without a bus terminal.

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Baozhen Yao, Dalian University of Technology
School of Automotive Engineering
Qingda Cao, Dalian University of Technology
School of Automotive Engineering
Lu Jin, Dalian University of Technology
School of Automotive Engineering
Mingheng Zhang, Dalian University of Technology
School of Automotive Engineering
Yibing Zhao, Dalian University of Technology
School of Automotive Engineering


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How to Cite
Yao B, Cao Q, Jin L, Zhang M, Zhao Y. Circle Line Optimization of Shuttle Bus in Central Business District without Transit Hub. Promet [Internet]. 2017Feb.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];29(1):45-. Available from: