The Use of Cooperative Approach in Ramp Metering

  • Martin Gregurić University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Edouard Ivanjko University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
  • Sadko Mandžuka University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Keywords: ramp metering, cooperative control, variable speed limit control, learning framework, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), urban motorways,


To ensure higher Level of Service (LoS) at urban motorways,
new traffic control concepts are being applied since in most cases there is no available space for infrastructural build-up. For urban motorways, the mostly used control methods are ramp metering combined with additional control methods like variable speed limit control (VSLC). This paper gives a review of the current ramp metering approaches with special emphasis on cooperative control concepts between ramp metering, VSLC, prohibiting lane changes system and the vehicle itself. Additionally, a learning framework for ramp metering proposed by the authors is described. The CTMSIM Matlab based macroscopic motorway simulator with ramp metering control support is used for the simulation of selected ramp metering approaches. The simulator
is also augmented to enable the development and implementation of cooperative ramp metering approaches. The
Zagreb bypass is used as test case for evaluation of several
different ramp metering algorithms.

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Martin Gregurić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Research assistant Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Edouard Ivanjko, University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Assistant Professor Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Sadko Mandžuka, University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Professor Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems


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How to Cite
Gregurić M, Ivanjko E, Mandžuka S. The Use of Cooperative Approach in Ramp Metering. Promet [Internet]. 2016Feb.23 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(1):11-2. Available from: