Crew Scheduling Considering both Crew Duty Time Difference and Cost on Urban Rail System

  • Wenliang Zhou Central South University
  • Xia Yang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Lianbo Deng Central South University
  • Jin Qin Central South University
Keywords: urban railway, crew schedule, ant colony algorithm, duty time difference,


Urban rail crew scheduling problem is to allocate train services to crews based on a given train timetable while satisfying all the operational and contractual requirements. In this paper, we present a new mathematical programming model with the aim of minimizing both the related costs of crew duty and the variance of duty time spreads. In addition to iincorporating the commonly encountered crew scheduling constraints, it also takes into consideration the constraint of arranging crews having a meal in the specific meal period of one day rather than after a minimum continual service time. The proposed model is solved by an ant colony algorithm which is built based on the construction of ant travel network and the design of ant travel path choosing strategy. The performances of the model and the algorithm are evaluated by conducting case study on Changsha urban rail. The results indicate that the proposed method can obtain a satisfactory crew schedule for urban rails with a relatively small computational time.

Author Biographiesaaa replica rolex repwatches replica rolex watches for men replica iwc watch

Wenliang Zhou, Central South University

Associate professor of central south university.

Rank: 1

Xia Yang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dr. of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rank 2

Lianbo Deng, Central South University

Professor of Cental South Universtiy

Rank 4

Jin Qin, Central South University

Professor of Central South University

Rank 3


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How to Cite
Zhou W, Yang X, Deng L, Qin J. Crew Scheduling Considering both Crew Duty Time Difference and Cost on Urban Rail System. Promet [Internet]. 2016Nov.2 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(5):449-60. Available from: