Behavioural Comparison of Driverswhen Driving a Motorcycle or a Car: A Structural Equation Modelling Study

  • Darja Topolšek University of Maribor
  • Dejan Dragan University of Maribor
Keywords: motorcycle rider behaviour, car driver behaviour, traffic accidents, structural equation modelling, violations, errors,


The goal of the study was to investigate if the drivers behave in the same way when they are driving a motorcycle or a car. For this purpose, the Motorcycle Rider Behaviour Questionnaire and Driver Behaviour Questionnaire were conducted among the same drivers population. Items of questionnaires were used to develop a structural equation model with two factors, one for the motorcyclist’s behaviour, and the other for the car driver’s behaviour. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were also applied in this study. Results revealed a certain difference in driving behaviour. The principal reason lies probably in mental consciousness that the risk-taking driving of a motorbike can result in much more catastrophic consequences than when driving a car. The drivers also pointed out this kind of thinking and the developed model has statistically confirmed the behavioural differences. The implications of these findings are also argued in relation to the validation of the appropriateness of the existing traffic regulations.

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Darja Topolšek, University of Maribor
Faculty of Logistics
Dejan Dragan, University of Maribor
Faculty of Logistics


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How to Cite
Topolšek D, Dragan D. Behavioural Comparison of Driverswhen Driving a Motorcycle or a Car: A Structural Equation Modelling Study. Promet [Internet]. 2015Dec.17 [cited 2025Feb.13];27(6):457-66. Available from: