Dynamic Forces between the Rails and the Wheels of Railway Vehicle

  • Zdravko Peran university department forensics, University of Split
Keywords: measurement train, lateral and vertical forces, UIC CODE 518, driving safety, empirical, normal and cumulative distribution, software verification,


The process of acquisition of the measured dynamic values of forces between the rails and the wheels on the real measurement train and the train tracks. The conversion of the measured values into the matrices and vectors enables numerous exact qualitative and quantitative studies of the dynamic phenomena behaviour. The paper shows the possibilities of using MATLAB computer tool. All the commands in the software are given and explained. Calculating of the empirical, normal and cumulative distribution on an example of the lateral force is given in detail. The new software is exactly verified mathematically and qualified for any further use. The developed software is the tool for the development of other two phases: software for the exact automatic evaluation of the maximum values of the dynamic values and software for the automatic approval of vehicles and railway due to the driving safety, loading tracks and driving comfort compared to the limited values regarding UI C CODE 518.

Author Biography

Zdravko Peran, university department forensics, University of Split
Descriptive Info: Zdravko Peran Prof .. in .. w .. Department of Transport .. time Gymnasium 64, 22000 Sibenik .. 022 / 214-606 .. .. zdravko Peran @ you .. htnet .. Biogradska 11, 22 000 Sibenik .. 022 / 214-420 .. 05/09/1955 .. Grebaštica, Sibenik .. Ph.D., professor of high school .. traffic .. Statistic number of scientists: 281 322 .. Web site lists published .. works on bib. . irb en .. http: // www .. HZDP en .. .. .. English Croatian scientific Society for Transport, Croatian Society of Expert Witnesses ..


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How to Cite
Peran Z. Dynamic Forces between the Rails and the Wheels of Railway Vehicle. Promet [Internet]. 2016Feb.26 [cited 2025Mar.7];28(1):63-9. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1766