Micro-simulation of Desired Speed for Temporary Work Zone with a New Calibration Method

  • Chi Zhang Chang’an University
  • Shiyu Liu Chang’an University
  • Jennifer Ogle Clemson University
  • Min Zhang Chang’an University
Keywords: traffic simulation, parameter calibration, desired speed distribution, temporary work zone, Vissim,


Nowadays, the studies of parameter calibration for long-term work zones are limited to driver behaviour and car-following parameters, and no research was found related to calibration of the desired speed distributions during temporary work zones. Obtaining realistic results from simulations of temporary work zones is difficult. Thus, it would be valuable for gaining more valid simulation data if a method of calibrating the desired speed distribution could be applied for traffic simulation model of highway temporary work zones. The calibration method was proposed in five steps: (1) collect and analyse data, (2) plot the travel speed cumulative frequency curves and calibrate the desired speed distribution, (3) conduct simulation runs, (4) validate the simulation results, and (5) propose a new calibration method, which was assessed by T-tests, and the results are very promising. Finally, a simplified calibration method called “Five-Point Method” is presented and the recommended values of five-point are given.

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Chi Zhang, Chang’an University
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Shiyu Liu, Chang’an University
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Jennifer Ogle, Clemson University
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Min Zhang, Chang’an University
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How to Cite
Zhang C, Liu S, Ogle J, Zhang M. Micro-simulation of Desired Speed for Temporary Work Zone with a New Calibration Method. Promet [Internet]. 2016Feb.26 [cited 2025Mar.7];28(1):49-1. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1759