Optimization of Signal Timing of Intersections by Internal Metering of Queue Time Ratio of Vehicles in Network Scale

  • Mina Ghanbarikarekani Imam Khomeini International University
  • Soheil Sohrabi Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Ali Vefghi Tehran University
Keywords: internal metering, network traffic, queue time ratio, traffic signals, coordination,


Optimization of signal timing in urban network is usually done by minimizing the delay times or queue lengths. Sincethe effect of each intersection on the whole network is not considered in the mentioned methods, traffic congestion may occur in network links. Therefore, this paper has aimed to provide a timing optimization algorithm for traffic signals using internal timing policy based on balancing queue time ratio of vehicles in network links. In the proposed algorithm, the difference between the real queue time ratio and the optimum one for each link of intersection was minimized. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm on traffic performance, the proposed algorithm was applied in a hypothetical network. By comparing the simulating software outputs, before and after implementing the algorithm, it was concluded that the queue time ratio algorithm has improved the traffic parameters by increasing the flow as well as reducing the delay time and density of the network.

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Mina Ghanbarikarekani, Imam Khomeini International University
Msc. Transportation Planning, Civil Engineering Faculty
Soheil Sohrabi, Amirkabir University of Technology
Msc. Transportation Planning, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty
Ali Vefghi, Tehran University
MSc. Student, Social Science Faculty


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How to Cite
Ghanbarikarekani M, Sohrabi S, Vefghi A. Optimization of Signal Timing of Intersections by Internal Metering of Queue Time Ratio of Vehicles in Network Scale. Promet [Internet]. 2016Jun.8 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(3):205-14. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1729