Route Choice Model Based on Game Theory for Commuters

  • Licai Yang Shandong University
  • Yunfeng Shi School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University
  • Shenxue Hao School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University
  • Lei Wu Shandong University
Keywords: route choice model, game theory, commuters, reliability, dynamic route guidance system,


The traffic behaviours of commuters may cause traffic congestion during peak hours. Advanced Traffic Information System can provide dynamic information to travellers. Due to the lack of timeliness and comprehensiveness, the provided information cannot satisfy the travellers’ needs. Since the assumptions of traditional route choice model based on Expected Utility Theory conflict with the actual situation, a route choice model based on Game Theory is proposed to provide reliable route choice to commuters in actual situation in this paper. The proposed model treats the alternative routes as game players and utilizes the precision of predicted information and familiarity of traffic condition to build a game. The optimal route can be generated considering Nash Equilibrium by solving the route choice game. Simulations and experimental analysis show that the proposed model can describe the commuters’ routine route choice decision
exactly and the provided route is reliable.

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Licai Yang, Shandong University
He is a professor at School of Control Science and Engineering in Shandong University. His research interests include artificial intelligence and intelligent control, control theory and applications, intelligent transportation systems, and vehicular ad hoc networks.
Lei Wu, Shandong University

I'm currently enrolled for joint courses for master and doctor degrees in School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University. My interests include intelligent transportation system and cooperative vehicle infrastructure system.


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How to Cite
Yang L, Shi Y, Hao S, Wu L. Route Choice Model Based on Game Theory for Commuters. Promet [Internet]. 2016Jun.6 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(3):195-03. Available from: