Safety Impacts of the Actuated Signal Control at Urban Intersections

  • Sang Hyuk Lee Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea
  • Daeseok Han Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea
Keywords: semi-actuated signal controls, safety impacts, safety performance functions, EB approaches, urban intersections,


To reduce travel time, the actuated signal controls have been implemented at urban intersections. However, the safety impacts of actuated signal controls thus far have rarely been examined. In this assessment of the safety impact of urban intersections with semi-actuated signal controls, the safety performance functions and EB approaches were applied. The semi-actuated signal controls have increased injuries and total crashes in all crash types by around 5.9% and 3.8%, respectively. Regarding the most common crash types, such as angle, sideswipe & rear-end, and head-on crashes, semi-actuated signal controls have been seen to decrease injuries by 7.7%. Total crashes have been reduced by over 9.2% through the use of semi-actuated signal controls. This may be result of optimal signal timings considering traffic conditions during peak time periods. In conclusion, safety impact factors which have been established in this study can be used to improve safety and minimize travel times using semi-actuated signal controls.

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Sang Hyuk Lee, Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea
Senior researcher, Highway and Transportation Research Division, Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea
Daeseok Han, Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea
Senior researcher, Highway Pavement Research Division, Korea Institute of Civil and Building Technology, Korea


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How to Cite
Lee SH, Han D. Safety Impacts of the Actuated Signal Control at Urban Intersections. Promet [Internet]. 2016Feb.26 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(1):31-9. Available from: