Determination of Selected Crash Parameters in Head-on Vehicle Collision with Rollover

  • Tomáš Coufal Brno University of Technology, Institute of Forensic Engineering
  • Marek Semela
Keywords: crash test, impact, vehicle, traffic accident, forensic engineering, rollover, small overlap,


The paper presents complete results of the head-on small overlap crash test of vehicle with driver moving at a speed of approximately 12 m/s against stationary vehicle with post-crash rollover. When a crash does not involve the main crush-zone structures, the occupant compartment is not well protected. The emphasis in the paper was put on determination and presentation of crash parameters for the application in traffic accident analyses and for simulation with the help of software for accident reconstruction. The experimentally measured data from the crash test were analysed and important crash parameters which are necessary for accident reconstruction were obtained. The crash test was specific because of rollover of the impacting vehicle resulting from small overlap. The results have shown that small overlap accident is extremely dangerous for the crew with the possibility of vehicle rollover and occupant head and neck injury. Also in this case, at relative low speed, the driver suffered light neck and head injury in the following days and the longitudinal damage was relatively large. The input parameters for accident reconstruction software as the result of performed crash test were gained.


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How to Cite
Coufal T, Semela M. Determination of Selected Crash Parameters in Head-on Vehicle Collision with Rollover. Promet [Internet]. 2016Feb.26 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(1):71-9. Available from: