Safety Risk of Mobile Phone Use while Driving in Sample of Taxi Drivers

  • Murat Darçın Ministry of Interior
  • Murat Alkan Ministry of Interior
Keywords: dangerous situation, mobile phones, risk taking, professional drivers, safety,


Previous research has shown that mobile phone use while driving increases the risk of being involved in an accident. This paper investigates the reported frequency of taxi drivers' mobile phone use and its effects on traffic safety. A representative sample of taxi drivers was included in an interview-based survey by trained interviewers. It was found that 81% of the taxi drivers reported talking by using hand-held phone while driving. There is a relationship between the phoning while driving and drivers' self-reported involvement in a dangerous situation. It is clear that the use of mobile phone while driving is an important traffic safety issue.

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Murat Darçın, Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Interior Affairs, Gendarmerie Safety and Public Security Department, PhD (Environmental and Technical Research of Accidents)
Murat Alkan, Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Interior Affairs, Gendarmerie Safety and Public Security Department, PhD (Environmental and TechnicalResearch of Accidents)


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How to Cite
Darçın M, Alkan M. Safety Risk of Mobile Phone Use while Driving in Sample of Taxi Drivers. Promet [Internet]. 2015Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];27(4):309-15. Available from: