Standardization of Road Danger Signs in the European Union

  • Francesco Castelluccio University of Palermo
  • Mario Catalano University of Palermo
  • Davide Fichera University of Palermo
  • Marco Migliore University of Palermo
  • Salvatore Amoroso University of Palermo
Keywords: road signs, multicriteria analysis, graphical analysis, visual perception,


The aim of this research is to find a solution for the standardization of road signs in the EU zone by a comparative analysis of different national sign systems to establish a common set from a single country. This work is based on the idea that road sign standardization might increase the safety level of transnational journeys and foster the relationships among the various members of the EU Community. This paper presents the outcome of the first step of the research, which focuses on the harmonization of danger signs. In more detail, a multicriteria approach is applied to rank 19 EU Member States on the basis of three main aspects: the installation cost of new signs, new sign learning issues and the effectiveness of sign systems. The study allows for the installation cost by quantifying the degree of similarity among road sign systems and the roadway network extension, on which new signs should be placed.

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Francesco Castelluccio, University of Palermo
Department of Civil, Environmental, Aeronautics and Materials Engineering (DICAM), Transport Research Group, Research Fellow and Ph.D.
Mario Catalano, University of Palermo
Department of Civil, Environmental, Aeronautics and Materials Engineering (DICAM), Transport Research Group, Research Fellow and Ph.D.
Davide Fichera, University of Palermo
Department of Civil, Environmental, Aeronautics and Materials Engineering (DICAM), Transport Research Group, Ph.D.
Marco Migliore, University of Palermo
Department of Civil, Environmental, Aeronautics and Materials Engineering (DICAM), Transport Research Group, Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering and Ph.D.
Salvatore Amoroso, University of Palermo
Department of Civil, Environmental, Aeronautics and Materials Engineering (DICAM), Transport Research Group, Full Professor of Transportation Engineering


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How to Cite
Castelluccio F, Catalano M, Fichera D, Migliore M, Amoroso S. Standardization of Road Danger Signs in the European Union. Promet [Internet]. 2015Mar.1 [cited 2025Mar.9];27(1):1-11. Available from: