Dwell Time Modelling and Optimized Simulations for Crowded Rail Transit Lines Based on Train Capacity

  • Zhibin Jiang
  • Chao Xie Tongji University
  • Tingting Ji Tongji University
  • Xiaolei Zou Tongji University
Keywords: dwell time, train capacity, train delay, timetable simulation, rail transit, passenger volume,


Understanding the nature of rail transit dwell time has potential benefits for both the users and the operators. Crowded passenger trains cause longer dwell times and may prevent some passengers from boarding the first available train that arrives. Actual dwell time and the process of passenger alighting and boarding are interdependent through the sequence of train stops and propagated delays. A comprehensive and feasible dwell time simulation model was developed and optimized to address the problems associated with scheduled timetables. The paper introduces the factors that affect dwell time in urban rail transit systems, including train headway, the process and number of passengers alighting and boarding the train, and the inability of train doors to properly close the first time because of overcrowded vehicles. Finally, based on a time-driven micro-simulation system, Shanghai rail transit Line 8 is used as an example to quantify the feasibility of scheduled dwell times for different stations, directions of travel and time periods, and a proposed dwell time during peak hours in several crowded stations is presented according to the simulation results.


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How to Cite
Jiang Z, Xie C, Ji T, Zou X. Dwell Time Modelling and Optimized Simulations for Crowded Rail Transit Lines Based on Train Capacity. Promet [Internet]. 2015Apr.13 [cited 2025Feb.22];27(2):125-3. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1487