• Ji-Young Song University of Science and Technology
  • Jin Ki Eom Korea Railroad Research Institute
  • Sung Il Kim Dongguk University
Keywords: Elderly transit, Smart card data, evaluation of service


We analyzed the travel patterns of senior citizens in Seoul using Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) data. We focused specifically on mode choices and transfer patterns. Results showed that 99% of trips made by senior citizens (individuals over 65 years old), who were given free subway transit passes, consisted of single-mode trips. Average travel time was 31 minutes, and subway travel times were longer than bus travel times. Individuals made fewer transfers, took longer metro trips, and paid smaller fares when using their free subway transit cards. They were more negatively sensitive to bus travel time than metro travel time. Encouraging older adult travelers to use transfers that increase costs to a modest extent might help improve travel quality among a group of individuals who find it difficult to enter the metro system or who are uncomfortable making inter-metro transfers. Additionally, as older adults have more time, yet are economically disadvantaged and take more leisure trips, travel improvements could include adopting a time-flexible fare discount. We discuss these improvements in terms of the individual and social benefits afforded to transit passengers in South Korea.


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How to Cite
Song J-Y, Eom JK, Kim SI. EVALUATION OF ELDERLY MOBILITY BASED ON TRANSIT CARD DATA IN SEOUL. Promet [Internet]. 2014Aug.4 [cited 2025Feb.22];26(4):281-90. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1394