Can Mobility Management Campaigning Contribute to Pro-Environmental Behaviour in General? Development of an Analytical Tool

  • Lena Winslott Hiselius Lund University
Keywords: attitudes, change of behaviour, MaxSEM, Mobility Management,


This paper brings to the fore the importance of a holistic approach to attaining a general pro-environmental behavioural change in order to reduce carbon emissions and the need to strive for a spillover of pro-environmental behaviour from one area to another. An adjusted version of the MaxSEM model is developed to capture differences in stages of behavioural change regarding environmental load on entering a Mobility Management campaign and one year after. The analytical tool is applied on two test samples in order to illustrate the tool and possible difficulties and methodological challenges. The test samples consist of participants in Mobility Management campaigns with personal incentives in two cities in Sweden. The application of the tool indicates e.g. that the timing of the survey is important and that there is need to upscale the MM-campaigns, in order to further discuss and analyse the effects of voluntary mobility measures in other domains.

Author Biography

Lena Winslott Hiselius, Lund University
Department of Technology and Society, Transport and Roads


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How to Cite
Winslott Hiselius L. Can Mobility Management Campaigning Contribute to Pro-Environmental Behaviour in General? Development of an Analytical Tool. Promet [Internet]. 2014Jun.16 [cited 2025Feb.22];26(3):257-64. Available from: