A Simulation-Based Optimization Approach for Integrated Port Resource Allocation Problem

  • Gholamreza Ilati Iran University of Science and Technology – IUST, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Planning Department
  • Abdorreza Sheikholeslami Iran University of Science and Technology – IUST, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Planning Department
  • Erfan Hassannayebi Tarbiat Modares University- TMU, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Industrial Engineering Department
Keywords: Container terminal, Evolutionary path re-linking, Berth allocation, Simulation-based optimization


Todays, due to the rapid increase in shipping volumes, the container terminals are faced with the challenge to cope with these increasing demands. To handle this challenge, it is crucial to use flexible and efficient optimization approach in order to decrease operating cost. In this paper, a simulation-based optimization approach is proposed to construct a near-optimal berth allocation plan integrated with a plan for tug assignment and for resolution of the quay crane re-allocation problem. The research challenges involve dealing with the uncertainty in arrival times of vessels as well as tidal variations. The effectiveness of the proposed evolutionary algorithm is tested on RAJAEE Port as a real case. According to the simulation result, it can be concluded that the objective function value is affected significantly by the arrival disruptions. The result also demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed simulation-based optimization approach.

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Gholamreza Ilati, Iran University of Science and Technology – IUST, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Planning Department
Abdorreza Sheikholeslami, Iran University of Science and Technology – IUST, Civil Engineering Faculty, Transportation Planning Department
Erfan Hassannayebi, Tarbiat Modares University- TMU, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Industrial Engineering Department


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How to Cite
Ilati G, Sheikholeslami A, Hassannayebi E. A Simulation-Based Optimization Approach for Integrated Port Resource Allocation Problem. Promet [Internet]. 2014Jun.16 [cited 2025Feb.22];26(3):243-55. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1337