Bi-Criteria System Optimum Traffic Assignment in Networks With Continuous Value of Time

  • Xin Wang
  • Hai-Jun Huang
Keywords: elastic demand, value of time, bi-criteria, user equilibrium, Pareto optimum


For an elastic demand transportation network with continuously distributed value of time, the system disutility can be measured either in time units or in cost units. The user equilibrium model and the system optimization model are each formulated in two different criteria. The conditions required for making the system optimum link flow pattern equivalent to the user equilibrium link flow pattern are derived. Furthermore, a bi-objective model has been developed which minimizes simultaneously the system travel time and the system travel cost. The existence of a pricing scheme with anonymous link tolls which can decentralize a Pareto system optimum into the user equilibrium has been investigated.


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How to Cite
Wang X, Huang H-J. Bi-Criteria System Optimum Traffic Assignment in Networks With Continuous Value of Time. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.13];25(2):119-25. Available from: