E-Services and Positioning of Passenger Ports in the Context of Cruise Tourism Promotion

  • Andriela Vitić-Ćetković University of Montenegro, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Stari grad 320, 85 330 Kotor, Montenegro
  • Sanja Bauk University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies Dobrota 36, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro
Keywords: cruise tourism, cruise port’s positioning, e-services, Saaty method, service marketing,


The paper positions the passenger sea ports in the context of cruise tourism on the basis of e-services they offer. The e-services of eleven passenger ports are categorized and then quantitatively evaluated by binary and ranking approaches. In general, the port e-services might be categorized according to their functionality as navigational, ship and passenger-related ones, logistics, business, marketing, entertainment, security, safety, environmental, etc. These services can be bidirectional informational and/or transactional. In this paper, only those port e-services related directly to the passengers’ needs, within the frame of cruise tourism, are taken into consideration and categorized as core, or as value-added ones, and as informational and/or transactional ones. Then, each of them is assigned an appropriate binary value (0/1), depending on whether the considered passenger port offers the related e-service or not. These values are employed in the evaluation of the analyzed passenger port e-services offered, and as a base for their positioning. The appropriate weights coefficients, obtained by ranking (Saaty method), were used in the process of the considered port final positioning on the cruise tourism e-market. Some additional analyses and recommendations in the direction of further positioning and promotion of the port of Kotor (Montenegro), as rising cruise tourism port (destination), are given as well.

Author Biography

Sanja Bauk, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies Dobrota 36, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro

Vicedean for education at Faculty of Maritime Studies


Head of the Doctoral Studies at the Maritime Science Department (2010-...)


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How to Cite
Vitić-Ćetković A, Bauk S. E-Services and Positioning of Passenger Ports in the Context of Cruise Tourism Promotion. Promet [Internet]. 2014Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.10];26(1):83-. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1282