Effects of System Characteristics on Adopting Web-Based Advanced Traveller Information System: Evidence from Taiwan

  • Ting-Wei Lin Department of Tourism, Ming Chuan University
  • Chia-Yen Lin Department of Public Administration and Management, National University of Tainan
  • Wen-Ho Hsu Logistics & Warehouse Management Department, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
Keywords: web-based advanced traveler information system (ATIS), system characteristics, travelers’ adoption, technology acceptance model (TAM), behavioral intention model,


This study proposes a behavioural intention model that integrates information quality, response time, and system accessibility into the original technology acceptance model (TAM) to investigate whether system characteristics affect the adoption of Web-based advanced traveller information systems (ATIS). This study empirically tests the proposed model using data collected from an online survey of Web-based advanced traveller information system users. Con­firmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model, and structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to evaluate the structural model. The results indicate that three system characteristics had indirect effects on the intention to use through perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward using. Information quality was the most im­portant system characteristic factor, followed by response time and system accessibility. This study presents implica­tions for practitioners and researchers, and suggests direc­tions for future research.

Author Biography

Ting-Wei Lin, Department of Tourism, Ming Chuan University
Dr. Ting-Wei Lin is currently an assistant professor of Departmrnt of Tourism, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan. He received Ph.D. degree in Transportation and Communication Management Science from National Cheng Kung University in 2007. His teaching and research interests are intelligent transportation systems (ITS), travel information management, and tourism transportation management.


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How to Cite
Lin T-W, Lin C-Y, Hsu W-H. Effects of System Characteristics on Adopting Web-Based Advanced Traveller Information System: Evidence from Taiwan. Promet [Internet]. 2014Feb.28 [cited 2025Feb.22];26(1):53-. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1224