Marine Traffic Optimization Using Petri Net and Genetic Algorithm

  • Anita Gudelj
  • Danko Kezić
  • Stjepan Vidačić
Keywords: marine traffic system, optimization, deadlock avoidance, genetic algorithm, Petri net


The paper deals with the traffic control and job optimization in the marine canal system. The moving of vessels can be described as a set of discrete events and states. Some of these states can be undesirable such as conflicts and deadlocks. It is necessary to apply adequate control policy to avoid deadlocks and blocks the vessels’ moving only in the case of dangerous situation. This paper addresses the use of Petri net as modelling and scheduling tool in this context. To find better solutions the authors propose the integration of Petri net with a genetic algorithm. Also, a matrix based formal method is proposed for analyzing discrete event dynamic system (DEDS). The algorithm is developed to deal with multi-project, multi-constrained scheduling problem with shared resources. It is verified by a computer simulation using MATLAB environment.


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How to Cite
Gudelj A, Kezić D, Vidačić S. Marine Traffic Optimization Using Petri Net and Genetic Algorithm. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];24(6):469-78. Available from: