Influence of Parking Price on Parking Garage Users’ Behaviour

  • Jelena Simićević
  • Nada Milosavljević
  • Goran Maletić
Keywords: parking policy, parking charge, user behaviour, logit model, parking garages


Parking charge is a powerful tool for solving parking and traffic congestion problems. In order to achieve the expected effects without any adverse impact it is necessary to understand well the users’ responses to this policy. This paper, based on a sample of interviewed parking garage users, has developed binary logit model for identification and quantification of characteristics of users and trips, on which the acceptance of parking price is dependent. In addition, multinomial logit model has been made in order to predict what the users will opt for when faced with an increase in parking price. For the first time the parameter “shorten duration” has been introduced which has shown to be the most significant in making behaviour-related decisions. The results show that the users with the purpose work are the most sensitive to an increase in parking charge, what can be deemed positive for policy makers. However, great sensitivity of the users with the purpose shopping should cause their concern. The results of the multinomial model show that they would not discontinue coming into the area after all.


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How to Cite
Simićević J, Milosavljević N, Maletić G. Influence of Parking Price on Parking Garage Users’ Behaviour. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.7];24(5):413-2. Available from: