Development and Usage of Travel Time Reliability Model for Urban Road Network under Ice and Snowfall Conditions

  • Jun-Qiang Leng
  • Yu-Qin Feng
  • Ya-Ping Zhang
  • Yi He
Keywords: travel time reliability, Ice and Snowfall Based-BPR, Level of Service, Original Destination pair


This paper discusses the travel time reliability of road network under ice and snowfall conditions. With the introduction of correction function for the influence of ice and snowfall conditions on free travel time and capacity, the function of travel time was established. According to the limitation of the current travel time reliability, the new definition was defined on the basis of quantifying the relationship between LOS (Level of Service) and travel time reliability. The breakthrough of the traditional idea that the route travel time reliability model was set by general series system was made by considering the route as a whole unit; instead of using a paralleling system; another breakthrough was made to calculate the weighted average travel time reliability of OD (Original Destination) pair. On the basis of OD pair travel time reliability, the road network reliability model was set up. A partial road network was taken as an example to validate the effectiveness and practicality of the evaluation methodology.


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How to Cite
Leng J-Q, Feng Y-Q, Zhang Y-P, He Y. Development and Usage of Travel Time Reliability Model for Urban Road Network under Ice and Snowfall Conditions. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];24(5):395-03. Available from: