Designing Hub-and-Spoke School Bus Transportation Network: A Case Study of Wonkwang University

  • Jun-Hyuk Kim
  • Soonhu Soh
Keywords: hub-and-spoke network, school bus, P-median model, case study


This paper provides a case study of hub-and-spoke school bus transportation network design. The case study here utilizes a mathematical model that is the P-median optimization model to determine optimal hub locations. The P-median problem is a combinatorial optimization problem that includes many binary variables and constraints. The selected objective of the model is to minimize the total travel time satisfying other operational constraints. To elevate usability of decision making in the future, we implement the simulation model through the template model in spreadsheet platform. The developed model is used as a future reference to find operational directions of school bus managing policy and also tested on the case of Wonkwang University.


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How to Cite
Kim J-H, Soh S. Designing Hub-and-Spoke School Bus Transportation Network: A Case Study of Wonkwang University. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];24(5):389-94. Available from: