Croatian Air Traffic in the Integration Process of the Countries of 21st Century Europe

  • Sanja Steiner
  • Željko Radačić
  • Stanislav Pavlin
Keywords: air traffic in Croatia, EATCHIP and EATMS projects, common traffiC strategy, Croatia and Bosnia and HeJZegovina


The paper analyses the guidelines regarding air traffic developmentin Croatia within the context of integration processesof the European countries, which has been articulated bythe EATCHIP and EATMS project as a unique European airtraffic management. The positive projection of the developmentis based on the re-integration of the intemational airroutes (overflights) with the Croatian interests from thegeotraffic aspect mostly overlapping with the interests ofSlovenia and Bosnia and He1zegovina. As conclusion, a conceptof common strategies of these countries is suggested, in requilingthe operationalisation of air conidors in this part of Europe.


Regulation and Air Traffic control in the European airspace,

at the beginning of the 90s, was divided among 51

regional control centres with 31 different computer systems

of 18 different manufacturers.

EUROCONTROL - European Organisation for the

Safety of Air Navigation.

EA TMS - European Air Traffic Management System.

JAA - Joint Aviation Authorities.

CEATS- Central European Air Traffic Services.

CRCO - Central Route Charges Office.

CNS- Communications, Navigation, Surveillance.

F AA - Federal Aviation Administration.

More about this:: N. Angelo, R. Motzko: 'Recovery of

Civil Aviation in Bosnia-Herzegovina', 43'd Annual Air

Traffic Control Association Conference Proceedings,

Atlantic City, New Jersey USA, 1-5 November 1998, pp.


EANPG - European Air Navigation Planning Group.

How to Cite
Steiner S, Radačić Željko, Pavlin S. Croatian Air Traffic in the Integration Process of the Countries of 21st Century Europe. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.2];11(2-3):179-83. Available from:
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