Railway as Long-Term Integration Factor of 2 I st Century Croatia and Europe

  • Blaž Bogović
  • Antun Stipetić
  • Dragan Badanjak
Keywords: Pan-European railway corridors, high-speed trains, Croatian Railways in Europe


The paper considers the need for COilSt/Ucting high-speedrailway lines in Croatia that would represent a part of Europeanhigh-speed railway network. The economic value of theseprojects is studied and highlighted, within the technological developmentof Croatia, with high-speed tracks as prerequisite forintegration into the European exchange flows.Considering the traffic component of Croatia, scientific researchis proposed, as well as determining and defining of optimalsolutions for the const/Uction of high-speed railway tracks.


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How to Cite
Bogović B, Stipetić A, Badanjak D. Railway as Long-Term Integration Factor of 2 I st Century Croatia and Europe. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];11(2-3):157-62. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1160
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