Analysis of lnterdependence Between Air Transfer of LC-ltems and Geographical Distances

  • Elizabeta Kovač-Striko
  • Goranka Andabaka
  • Estera Rakić
Keywords: scatter diagram, standard error, mail delivery time, geographic distance, correlation coefficient


Using the data collected by the Universal Postal Union, thepaper studies the con·elation between the delive1y time of ordinarymail items by air and the geographical distance. lt is foundthat there is poor linear co'elation. The reasons for the obtainedresults are discussed and a suggestion for improvementis offered, which would mean improvement in the quality of theconsidered postal service.


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Under the auspices of the umbrella organisation Universal

Postal Union, the speed of the transfer of ordinary

airmail items from collection to delivery have been


How to Cite
Kovač-Striko E, Andabaka G, Rakić E. Analysis of lnterdependence Between Air Transfer of LC-ltems and Geographical Distances. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.7];13(1):9-13. Available from:
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