In-Vehicle Information Systems

  • Gordana Štefančić
  • Antun Presečki
  • Suzana Andrić


The work considers different information systems, includingthe infonnation ~ystems with autonomous units, whichcany all their intelligence around with them, and those withcommunicating units, which infonn the motorist about the currentsituation of the road system by radio or other means. Thesymbols of various messages have three main objectives: to provideinstruction, to warn of oncoming dange1~ or to give adviceregarding parking or looking for altemative routes. When notused for these pwposes, they are used to provide general informationabout the weathe1~ temperature or possible attractions.The in-vehicle information systems fly to assist the motorist indriving, and they are promoted as part of the comprehensive intelligenttransport system.


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How to Cite
Štefančić G, Presečki A, Andrić S. In-Vehicle Information Systems. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.9];13(4):285-7. Available from:
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