The Land Transport Network in the Post-Soviet Space- Problems and Prospective Development

  • Sergej Schlichter
  • Sergej Tarchow
Keywords: former region, road and rail systems


Road and rail networks in the post-Soviet space are analysedin view of the demands in transportation to be expected inthe 2 I st centwy. The road system is found te1ribly underdel'elopedin terms of density and canying capacity. It widely fails tofulfil the necessary feeder function for the rail system. Both railand road ~ystems need substantial improvements to allow forthe wgent economic recove1y of that lQige area between thosevital and dynamic regions in east (China), south (Middle East)und west (Europe).
How to Cite
Schlichter S, Tarchow S. The Land Transport Network in the Post-Soviet Space- Problems and Prospective Development. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];13(2-3):139-51. Available from:
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