Slewing Port Jib Cranes

  • Boris Visočnik
  • Stojan Kravanja
Keywords: cranes, port, port cranes, slewing port jib cranes


The paper presents slewing port cra11es with a luffing jib.The advantages of slewing port jib cranes are high lifting capacities,high speeds of re-loading and excellent mobility since theyare capable of load lifting, travelling, luffing and slewing. Thepaper gives a detailed description of their characteristics suchas the highest reached load-canying capacities, speeds of motionand accelerations. It also presents the crane assembly,driving mechanisms, loads and load cases, transport by shipsand testing of lifting capacity. As a practical example the paperpresents the slewing port jib crane with the capacity of25!15!5 tat a 27/37/40 m radius made by the Slovenian companyMetalna Maribor for the shipyard 3. Maj, Rijeka, Croatia.


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How to Cite
Visočnik B, Kravanja S. Slewing Port Jib Cranes. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];14(5):251-7. Available from:
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