An Analysis of the Security Issues in Croatian Ports in Relation to the Port State Control Inspections

  • Damir Zec
  • Vlado Frančić
  • Igor Rudan
Keywords: port security, ISPS Code, Port State Control


This paper analyzes the level of implementation of the ISPSCode in the Croatian ports. The analysis is based on the PortState Control inspections as the most important controllingmechanisms for evaluation of the adherence to the internationalregulations. In this respect the analysis of the security-relatedmeasures in ports is ca'ied out implicitly - it is based onthe analysis of the security-related deficiencies found on shipssince ISPS Code came into force. The period of one and a halfyears, from the beginning of the ISPS Code implementation, isconsidered to be representative to provide initial assessment ofthe effectiveness of the implemented security measures. In addition,the paper presents conclusions based on the comparisonof results of security-related inspections in Croatian ports withdata presented by the Paris and other MOU inspection database.


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How to Cite
Zec D, Frančić V, Rudan I. An Analysis of the Security Issues in Croatian Ports in Relation to the Port State Control Inspections. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.12];20(1):31-6. Available from:
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