A Harmony Search Algorithm approach for optimizing traffic signal timings

  • Mauro Dell'Orco Technical University of Bari
  • Ozgur Baskan Pamukkale University
  • Mario Marinelli Technical University of Bari
Keywords: Harmony Search Algorithm, Equilibrium network design problem, Sensitivity parameter.


In this study, a bi-level formulation is presented for solving the Equilibrium Network Design Problem (ENDP). The optimisation of the signal timing has been carried out at the upper-level using the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), whilst the traffic assignment has been carried out through the Path Flow Estimator (PFE) at the lower level. The results of HSA have been first compared with those obtained using the Genetic Algorithm, and the Hill Climbing on a two-junction network for a fixed set of link flows. Secondly, the HSA with PFE has been applied to the medium-sized network to show the applicability of the proposed algorithm in solving the ENDP. Additionally, in order to test the sensitivity of perceived travel time error, we have used the HSA with PFE with various level of perceived travel time. The results showed that the proposed method is quite simple and efficient in solving the ENDP.

Author Biography

Mauro Dell'Orco, Technical University of Bari
Department of Highways and Transportation


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How to Cite
Dell’Orco M, Baskan O, Marinelli M. A Harmony Search Algorithm approach for optimizing traffic signal timings. Promet [Internet]. 2013Jul.19 [cited 2025Mar.12];25(4):349-58. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/979