Impact of Motorway Al on Development of Tourism in the Sibenik-Knin County

  • Veselko Protega
  • Nikica Božić
  • Zlatko Lučić
Keywords: tourism, traffic connections, Motorway Al


The work studies the impact of the changed traffic flows(moto1way Al) on the development of the tourist economy ofthe Sibenik-Knin County. The selected three-year period (2003- 2005) includes three phases of different construction levels ofthe motorwayAl Zagreb- Split in the area of the Sibenik-KninCounty. This raises the issue of the cause-effect relation ofbetter traffic connections and the improvement of tourism aswell as the compatibility of the new road network with the tendenciesof reconstructing the tourist offer with special referenceto unbalanced development of different destinations.


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How to Cite
Protega V, Božić N, Lučić Z. Impact of Motorway Al on Development of Tourism in the Sibenik-Knin County. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.13];19(4):225-31. Available from:
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