Long Lines Not So Practical in China while Small and Medium Sized Lines Favored

  • Shao-Ying Chu
  • Run Sha
Keywords: Maglev railroads in China, large-scaled long lines, Zhujiang River Delta, 'Grand Beijing' area, Yangtze River Delta


Maglev railroads have taken actual steps in China sincethe cooperation work between Germany and China, whichbrings more prospects to this technology. However, due to variousreasons, large-scaled long lines seem to be not so practicalat present in China, while the small and medium space scaledlines may be the initial alternatives with the booming ofthree super-metropolis groups in China, namely, the ZhujiangRiver Delta, the 'Grand Beijing' area and the Yangtze RiverDelta.


Business Operation of Maglev Line be World's First in

Shanghai, Xinhua Agency, China, March 15, 2002.

Formal Demonstrations Implemented on Beijing-Tianjin

Maglev Line, Xinhua Agency, China, April19, 2002.

Maglev Expressways may be Constructed among

Guangzhou, Shemhen and Hong Kong, Zhongxin

Agency, China, Feb. 1, 2002.

How to Cite
Chu S-Y, Sha R. Long Lines Not So Practical in China while Small and Medium Sized Lines Favored. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.14];15(3):127-31. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/878
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