Shanghai - Construction of the First Commercial Operational Line

  • Eberhard Grossert
Keywords: TRANSRAPID Shanghai, track routing, guideway constructions, production plant, dates


The system technique, the routing of the track, the usedguideway constructions as well as their production plants aredescribed in this report. Parts of the planning activities will beexplained which are required on the German side to cover theinterface between German delivery parts and Chinese planningand production activities. Information about the absolutelyshort realization time for the erection of the guideway constructionswill be given.


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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2000

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Grossert, E.: Development and deployment of guideways


TRB Transportation Research Board, Washington,

USA Jan. 2000

Grossert, E.: TRANSRAPID Berlin - Hamburg, Fahrweg

und Fertigungsstiitten, Bautechnik (1999) H. 2

How to Cite
Grossert E. Shanghai - Construction of the First Commercial Operational Line. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.14];15(3):117-25. Available from:
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